Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I completely forgot to post last week...
I'm basing my movie on health care, specifically that whether or not someone lives or dies should not be profit based. I've got a lot of information about people who have been dropped or denied, and died as a result. I also have information regarding the percentage of money brought in by the health care industry that is straight profit (30%, which is more than casinos are allowed to take). I also want to show how much certain members of congress are paid by the health care industry for their support.. which puts into context why there is such resistance to something that the majority of the american people want.
It's a little late in the game, but this is a good resource:
I found this the other day as well...
I wasn't aware that net neutrality was still a current issue. I found it interesting that conservatives oppose health care as a government take-over, but think it's okay for the government and large corporations to regulate the internet. I think it just reinforces the point that money is the controlling factor, not the true interests of the public at large.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Concept for Project 2:
Documentary style video similar to The Crocodile Hunter. The topic for my episode will be the 'endangered SUV'. We will go on a short safari through the Cortland wilderness to observe these precious vehicles and there will be some background about why the SUV is disappearing from the planet - from economic recession, to increased gas prices to people being pressured to "go green".
This is a comical way to address a topic that is of concern to many people today.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
I agree with joe to a certain extent, and I would like my project to focus more on a specific aspect of human's effect on this earth: Deforestation. The term that describes the destruction of forests in order to build roads, clear land for farms, provide lumber for commercial products, etc...
Cutting down these forests effects not only the plants and animals that once called the forests their home, but also has an impact on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
For my video I would like to take my viewer through the emotional process of deforestation by starting with the beauty of a pure and rich forest environment, and ending with the extermination of trees by humans. Sound will be very important to this project. I would like the sound to also follow the process. Starting off with the natural sounds of a forest (wind, animals) and ending with industrial sounds (trucks, jackhammers, chainsaws). As my research continues I am debating wether or not to add poems which describe the feelings of being in nature, and its destruction.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Project Free Earth
I take issue with humanity. I know that may sound strange but bare with me. There are a number of political and social issues that are affecting our world today. The one thing they have in common is that they are human borne issues.
Humanity is a plague that has run rampant. Our issues have a negative effect on every living creature on this planet. We will never learn. We will never stop polluting. We will never stop going to war.
Unfortunately, I am human; I am well aware that I am a member of a species that could very well be the most destructive animal in the known universe. If God had given me a choice, I would have been a polar bear, but even then I would not have been free of man’s influence. Global warming is very real and yet our government is still handing out carbon credits, melting the artic poles and driving the polar bear into extinction. This is only an example of how man has disturbed the natural order of things and why I feel so strongly about my convictions.
I have always wanted to be a father; there is nothing that I wanted more out of life then to have a family of my own. I am happily married to a wonderful woman named Rebecca and we have two very loving cats named Samwise and Dewey. They are my children; they are the closest thing I will ever have to children. The savages that inhabit this planet have destroyed it, making it unfit for any offspring of mine. Leave it to humanity to take the one planet in the known galaxy capable of sustaining life and completely ruining it.
Man’s legacy is nothing more then cigarette butts, landfills and blacktop. What more could you expect from a species that kills it's own kind in the name of pride and love for money? A species that poisons everything it touches, without caring about who it hurts or who it kills. Fortunately, Mother Earth has existed for billions of years and will survive our captivity and heal from the tortuous wounds that we have inflicted on her.
My video will feature everything from exhaust pipes to the nuclear towers in Oswego. I am going to make it my mission to point out every misguided, short-sighted, narrow-minded thing that we do. The answer to my issue is not pleasant but it is the truth. The only way for earth and the countless other species that inhabit it to survive is for humanity to go the way of the dinosaur. It can happen and eventually will happen because I believe that there is karmic justice in this universe.
Humanity is a plague that has run rampant. Our issues have a negative effect on every living creature on this planet. We will never learn. We will never stop polluting. We will never stop going to war.
Unfortunately, I am human; I am well aware that I am a member of a species that could very well be the most destructive animal in the known universe. If God had given me a choice, I would have been a polar bear, but even then I would not have been free of man’s influence. Global warming is very real and yet our government is still handing out carbon credits, melting the artic poles and driving the polar bear into extinction. This is only an example of how man has disturbed the natural order of things and why I feel so strongly about my convictions.
I have always wanted to be a father; there is nothing that I wanted more out of life then to have a family of my own. I am happily married to a wonderful woman named Rebecca and we have two very loving cats named Samwise and Dewey. They are my children; they are the closest thing I will ever have to children. The savages that inhabit this planet have destroyed it, making it unfit for any offspring of mine. Leave it to humanity to take the one planet in the known galaxy capable of sustaining life and completely ruining it.
Man’s legacy is nothing more then cigarette butts, landfills and blacktop. What more could you expect from a species that kills it's own kind in the name of pride and love for money? A species that poisons everything it touches, without caring about who it hurts or who it kills. Fortunately, Mother Earth has existed for billions of years and will survive our captivity and heal from the tortuous wounds that we have inflicted on her.
My video will feature everything from exhaust pipes to the nuclear towers in Oswego. I am going to make it my mission to point out every misguided, short-sighted, narrow-minded thing that we do. The answer to my issue is not pleasant but it is the truth. The only way for earth and the countless other species that inhabit it to survive is for humanity to go the way of the dinosaur. It can happen and eventually will happen because I believe that there is karmic justice in this universe.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Awesome Animation
This is test animation for the upcoming Tron sequel. It was originally shown at Comic Con this summer and is scheduled for release in 2011. Many different principles of animation can be seen in this video, but its mainly successful because the viewer is constantly in the state of anticipation until the very last second. (the video is too big to embed, so here's the link)
I came across this next clip a while ago and it's something that I share with a lot of people. Many different principles of animation can also be seen in this. This is one short film that people may need to see a few times to really get it, but I believe this lets people appreciate it even more.
This video is also pretty cool. It also contains cinematic qualities about it.
This last video was something that Vaughn showed us in Sculpture I the other day. Kinda freaky but also pretty cool.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Scrat's Anticipation
Ice Age uses several of the animation techniques we discussed in class. Scrat is an exaggerated version of a sabretooth squirrel. He squashes and stretches as his limbs move fluidly, each of them moving on an arc. As he walks toward the acorn his tail follows the movement of his body, a secondary action. The acorn is a good example of staging; the animators made it very clear that it is the object Scrat desire. He is a nutty little squirrel.
Lifted uses the same techniques as Ice Age. There is anticipation when the abductee is suspended in mid-air for a second after the alien turns the abductor ray off. The abductee's hair moving with the motion of his body is a good example of secondary action. The alien (at the control panel) arms move fluidly on arcs.
Robin Hood Daffy. Daffy being a exaggerated duck, squashes and stretches as he walks across the screen in the beginning of the film. His limbs are build on arcs making his movements appear more realistic. The feather at the peak of his cap moves along with him, a secondary action.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fairytale Appropriation
I have decided to use the Alice in Wonderland story as inspiration for my project. My ideas so far are loosely based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, but I think that the viewer will still understand what I based my project on.
At the same time, my story will also have elements from A Christmas Carol and will relate to the main character Ebenezer Scrooge.
My story will involve a man with a character flaw who then gets into an accident. He will be in a coma for the majority of the story. Part of the story will be from an outside perspective in the hospital room where he will experience different elements (if a window is open and he gets a chill, if he's given a pain medication that could cause hallucinations). The other part of the story will be what his mind experiences while in a coma (the "wonderland" part). The outside influences will have an impact on his mind experiences.
Alice's Misadventures in Wonderland:
Alice Underground:
OUTSTANDING storyboards...
Jack and the bean stalk
I decided to use Jack and the bean stalk because this fairytale provides a number of morals throughout it. Some of lessons this tale teaches are respecting your parents wishes, not straying from the plan, greed, and curiosity. Jacks immaturity will be my main focus, and i will try to parallel his struggle with doing the right things with more modern charactor.
The Boy who cried Wolf
I have always enjoyed this fable. I know it is not (quite) a fairy tale but it does have a moral. The Boy who cried Wolf's sole moral is not to lie, because if you do then people will not believe you when you are actually telling the truth. Chicken Little, Big Fat Liar and even an episode of the Simpsons called Marge gets a job are all loosely based on The Boy who cried Wolf. I want to see if I can take the Shepard boy's lying to another level, maybe have him turn into a werewolf or something...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
5 'good' storyboard examples
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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