Friday, October 16, 2009

Project Free Earth

I take issue with humanity. I know that may sound strange but bare with me. There are a number of political and social issues that are affecting our world today. The one thing they have in common is that they are human borne issues.

Humanity is a plague that has run rampant. Our issues have a negative effect on every living creature on this planet. We will never learn. We will never stop polluting. We will never stop going to war.

Unfortunately, I am human; I am well aware that I am a member of a species that could very well be the most destructive animal in the known universe. If God had given me a choice, I would have been a polar bear, but even then I would not have been free of man’s influence. Global warming is very real and yet our government is still handing out carbon credits, melting the artic poles and driving the polar bear into extinction. This is only an example of how man has disturbed the natural order of things and why I feel so strongly about my convictions.

I have always wanted to be a father; there is nothing that I wanted more out of life then to have a family of my own. I am happily married to a wonderful woman named Rebecca and we have two very loving cats named Samwise and Dewey. They are my children; they are the closest thing I will ever have to children. The savages that inhabit this planet have destroyed it, making it unfit for any offspring of mine. Leave it to humanity to take the one planet in the known galaxy capable of sustaining life and completely ruining it.

Man’s legacy is nothing more then cigarette butts, landfills and blacktop. What more could you expect from a species that kills it's own kind in the name of pride and love for money? A species that poisons everything it touches, without caring about who it hurts or who it kills. Fortunately, Mother Earth has existed for billions of years and will survive our captivity and heal from the tortuous wounds that we have inflicted on her.

My video will feature everything from exhaust pipes to the nuclear towers in Oswego. I am going to make it my mission to point out every misguided, short-sighted, narrow-minded thing that we do. The answer to my issue is not pleasant but it is the truth. The only way for earth and the countless other species that inhabit it to survive is for humanity to go the way of the dinosaur. It can happen and eventually will happen because I believe that there is karmic justice in this universe.

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